Hello internet! My name is Jenna and this is my first blog post. I thought I would do a 20 Facts About Me so you could get to know me better! I started a blog on wordpress in September, but I recently discovered this website and it suits how I imagined my blog to look like more. So now I will be writing some posts that I already wrote on that blog, as well as writing new ones.
Fact 1. This blog is going to be about things that I think should be discussed more, things that I am passionate about and also a mix of things that I'm loving and traveling things and basically everything!
Fact 2. I also have a Youtube Channel which I made this year where I do covers, relatable videos and things that should be talked about.
Fact 3. I’m English but I moved to Australia in 2008.
Fact 4. I have an obsession with mermaids as you can tell by the name of this blog.
Fact 5. My religion is Hinduism.
Fact 6. I am a total bookworm and some of my favourite series are Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments to name a few.
Fact 7. I have been playing the guitar for 3 years.
Fact 8. I am a really shy and awkward person and I prefer to be very quiet in front of people I don’t know, but I am CRAZY with my friends.
Fact 9. I love taking photos and writing so I thought this would be perfect to do.
Fact 10. I also love travelling and trying different foods and I am very grateful to explore and learn about new places.
Fact 11. I am only 153 cm tall (around 5″1)
Fact 12. I love doing my nails and doing patterns.
Fact 13. For some reason I am quite good at picking up languages.
Fact 14. I dislike swimming and running A LOT.
Fact 15. I have really thick hair and it is so annoying.
Fact 16. I love saving the environment and doing charity things to raise awareness for things like poverty or even for saving water.
Fact 17. I have never broken, fractured, dislocated or sprained anything in my body before.
Fact 18. I am not flexible AT ALL.
Fact 19. I have an obsession with organising things. I literally make timetables of my days in the school holidays!
Fact 20. I am 13 years young.
Fact 21. Just because you read until the end, I am a really bad over thinker. I think about every. single. thing. all of the time when i don't need to and I stress myself out for no reason.
Because I don’t read blogs I don’t know how to end this but I’m just going to say what I want to get out of this. Basically I just want to help people and also make lots of friends!
Bye? xx (inserts virtual hug)